Dr.Barker's Bio

I was born in Ft.Worth, Texas, to a family of five children. I had a wonderful childhood, growing up with a menagerie of animals including horses, dogs, rabbits, chickens, turkeys, an occassional calf and an occassional stray cat. (My dad never let us keep em!!$##!) After high school, thanks to a scholarship, I attended Texas A&M, in hopes of pursuing a future in veterinary medicine, and graduated with a BS in BioMedical Science in 1976. Then I fell in love, married, and began raising a family of 3 boys. In 1983 I went back to work as a veterinary technician, then back to school. I reapplied to Texas A&M and was accepted into Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine. Graduated with an additional BS in Veterinary Medicine and then my DVM degree in 1991.
I love veterinary medicine. I love helping to educate my clients in how to best care for their pets. Preventative medicine is my emphasis and internal medicine is my passion. I'm not the cheapest doc in town, but I'm sure not the most expensive. I just try to help our critters and make a living doing it. And, most important of all, I LOVE JESUS!